Woke up due to Daniels alarm today,
again. Really strange for him to be up before noon on a weekend, but
work calls. Bright sunshine outside called me out of bed after about
an hour. Dad had already gone of race biking, so I packed my mountain
bike gear and was of. Biked up the Haslacher Alm first of all and met
some people walking up, everybody being in a good mood due to the
sun. Past the Alm and further on towards the Obere Reuterwanne. The
usual way was closed, so I took a more steep route via the
Stubentalalm. Reached that and met some people looking for the way,
but being my first time up I couldn't help that much. Carried on
towards the Pfeiferberg through mud and branches before meeting the
main road around the back. Main road being a forest road. Meet nobody
on the back side of the Alpspitze, completely different to the other
side of the mountain. Carried on to the Dinserhütte and the first
other people I saw was shortly before the Alpe. Up to the
Fichtelhütte where there where lots of people and even some horses.
On my way down I was let past the horses and carried on past the
cross at the top, swarming with people and then down the front of the
Alpspitze. My breaks didn't work to well at one point on the way
down, so I stopped to let them cool down a bit. Dodged people
everywhere once again and reached the bottom not spotting Daniel at
work before biking back home to some lunch and a shower.
Info of where I am travelling and what I am doing at the moment. A sort of online diary for myself and anybody that is interested in what I do.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Short Himmelsreich Round
Woke up after a late night with the sun
shinning through my curtains and Daniels friend banging on his
window. He had his 19th birthday party yesterday evening
and wasn't to receptive to sound input.
After having some breakfast and looking
at the weather I thought that I could go for a bike ride to get the
“Helium” leftovers out of my system. Johanna had a party
yesterday and had two bottles of Helium, which proved to be
As I had not done the Bärenmoos round
this year I thought I would do that. Set of towards Pfronten and was
caught in a few drops of rain on the way out as the sky had become a
bit overcast since I woke up. In Röfleuten they had the annual “get
the cows of the mountain” festival, so I had to navigate through
quite a few people.
Shortly after that the uphill part
started, not really to challenging, as the training over the year
pays of. It was not possible to “legally” bike here a few weeks
back, as the lumberjacks where all over the place. They left rather a
lot of tracks, too. Met the first other biker at the top, as he raced
past me. Then the infamous downhill part started. Coming down from
Himmelsreich is a slippery track with a lot of large stones in the
way. Managed down with a lot of breaking and biked back to
Nesselwang, once again through Röfleuten. Nearly got lost in Kappel
and arrived in Nesselwang just as it started raining.
Track at GPSies.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Thursday "Quicky"
Thursday after the big tour(s) and we
can still bike, or so we thought.
We started rather early today, 6.00 pm
to be precise. Was a bit of a rush with so much to do at work, but I
managed in time. Six of us started of towards Pfronten Kappel with
the plan to bike up the back side of the Alpspitze and then take the
trail down by the Gundhütte. On our way up a few things happened. I
managed to make sure Moni, Hopsing and me had to get of, due to me
not being able to bike on roots properly. Heidi got a phone call,
which she thought was important, and it ended up being her contractor
trying to sell a new product. And the highlight was that it started
poring down half way up to the top. We stood in the cover of a tree
for a short while, getting all our gear on and debating if we should
continue up or not. At the flash of a lightening bolt it was said
strait away that we would be taking the direct route down and home,
also our tree had stopped providing cover, as it was raining that
Raced home in pouring rain new disc
breaks not working all the time and had a schnapps at the Hoigarte to
get warm.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Livigno Day 4
Last day in Livigno today,
unfortunately. The weather has been a lot better than was predicted
and expected.
We woke up and had breakfast a bit
later than the day before as we had no time problems today. We left
at some point and set of down through Livigno. The town is rather
long, going from one end of the valley to the other and not really
wide, as there are a bunch of high mountains around it. After some
discussion about what way to go on a wooden bridge which was actually
forbidden for bikes we carried on and turned left up another valley
at the end of Livigno and on the shoreline of the Lago di Livigno,
the massive artificial lake at the bottom end of the town. Biked
uphill and I managed to take a bit of a more comfortable route. I was
at the back and found a way around a forest where the rest pushed
through, it was only about 200 metres, thought.
We reached the hotel after biking back
up through Livigno and after cleaning and packing up our bikes, had a
shower and then some lunch before the long journey back home came.
Another super weekend spent in the
heart of the Alps and loads of fun with the bike group in our end of
the year bike tour.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Livigno Day 3
Long and spectacular tour today. We had
redone our existing 2000 metres tour, as it would probably be to
much. Instead we would use a train.
We set of early at 8.45 AM, extra time
that was sorely needed. Paulina and Hopsing being the fit people set
of up the main road towards the Passo del Foscagno were we would met
up with them. The rest took the lift up to the top of the mountain
above Eira and biked down the bike park. We would probably have been
better of with a downhill bike, but it was still fun none the less
with our mountain bikes. After reaching and intersection of the road
with the bike park we biked up toEira and the through the rest of
Trepalle towards the pass where we would met the other two. We had to
pass through customs and nearly all of us didn't have our passports,
but we managed to get through without a hitch. Heidi overshot our
meeting point a bit and had to bike back up the main road to get back
to us. After we had all met up again we proceeded down a super trail,
fun and still bikeable. There was a ridge at one point where I wasn't
to sure if it could carry my weight, but I got over without causing
it to collapse. After biking down the trail for a fair amount of
time, we arrived at a forest road which we followed for a rather long
time. Nice and flat so we burnt away a few kilometres. Hans had been
here before, so we had an on hand tour guide with us. He showed us
the glacier on the other side of the valley and lots of other stuff,
still promising there would be more to come. A long uphill part after
that, reaching the highest point of the day I think. Had some lunch
and didn't spend to much time, before we set of back downhill. The
next stretch that was planned would take us downhill for 1600 metres,
so a long way down. We passed through what Hans dubbed “Paradise”,
a typical Swiss postcard picture. Snow capped mountains high up, a
lake underneath it surrounded by tress. And to top it of we had a
brilliant run all the way down to the train station. Heidi had a flat
tyre on the way down, but we managed it in a rather short time,
thanks to Hopsings
That train can climb up cliffs. Seeing
the first section of the line I thought it must be near to
Nicest tour out of three till now, but
with lots of kilometres. You do have to count away the kilometres for
the lift and the train and it ends up somewhere by 80 kilometres and
1600 metres in altitude.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Livigno Day 2
Went down and had a huge breakfast,
stuffing my self completely. Due to the weather we decided to do a
shorter tour today, the one Group 2 did yesterday. Group 2 meanwhile
where biking the tour we did yesterday. Still haven't heard from half
of them how it was, whilst writing the blog. Set of down in to the
Livigno valley first of all and then up the other side. Followed the
advise of Group 2 at one point and took the main road instead of
cutting across a field. I forgot/was to tired to fix my tire casing
in the morning/last evening. We carried on along a trail, the rest of
the group turning wrong at one point and having to push up to get
back on the track. Minor problems like that are the norm with the
GPS. We carried on along the trail, going uphill with snow covered
mountains everywhere. The temperatures where far beneath ten degrees
Celsius. We met some Italians which proved to be rather chatty.
Problem being that only Hans speaks Italian, so he had to speak for
the rest of us. We carried on along the trail and at one of the only
curves we meet a rather large group of downhill bikers coming the
other way. Seems to be paradise here for them, as they get so much
Instead of carrying on uphill we turned
downhill, into the valley proper and along the river. Brilliant way
downhill and lots of fun along the way. At the bottom we met the
Group 2.2, consisting of Jon, Karin and Gabi which had taken the way
home before Group 2.1. We stooped at a restaurant and had something
to eat and drink. On he way back we stopped I Livigno for some
shopping. Me for a spare tire casing and the rest for some other
things before I biked back and had a shower.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Livigno Day 1
Once again, I am biking. This time it
is with the group in Lvigno, Italy. We got all our bikes fixed up and
ready to go on Wednesday, so the only thing we would have to do on
Thursday was jump into the cars and drive of. Whilst loading the
bikes in to the trailer we also heard the unfortunate news that Sepp
wasn't coming, as he had a problem with his spine.
Thursday morning came and saw Dad and
me saying goodbye to mum, as she had to go to work in the morning.
Left the house at about 5.15 AM and met everyone at the gym, as we
took four cars and some people where taking lifts with other ones.
Jon and Betina with Dad and me in the car. Stopped at the usual
places and had some scrambled egg & bacon in a motorway stop.
Passed through some interesting tunnels and had to pay road toll atop
a massive dam.
We reached Livigno punctually and as
the weather forecast has foretold better weather for today, Group 1
was planning a rather large tour, considering we had lost a fair
amount of the day driving here. Funnily Group 2 set of before Group
1, but we got started at about 10.30 AM. Biked a very short way
downhill and then it went up already. And not just any uphill but
super steep uphill. Most of us where pushing, don't know if Hopsing
and Paulina did as they where so far in front already. We reached the
top after a lot of uphill, passing through a bike park, mainly for
downhill bikers.
After that racing alongside the main
road on a trail, with a bit of uphill and a fair amount of downhill.
We where putting our long clothes on and off a lot of times, as the
weather wasn't that warm at 1800 metres above sea level. After that
along and then up another valley, with the weather not looking that
bad. We had to pass up some really steep bits, but once again most of
us pushed. I thought the Dolomites where known for being steep, but
they are not the only ones for holding that title now. Reached the
top and saw a lake in the distance, which is were we where heading
for. Downhill and then along the lake. We came to a crossing at one
point but as we where planning the long route, went strait on. Had a
short stop and ate all our food, before heading down along the valley
towards our next uphill bit. We passed along another lake, the one
which was created due to the dam we drove over before and strangely
enough the water was flowing away from the dam, not towards it. Inge
had a crash which thankfully proved to not be dangerous, as there was
a drop towards the lake on the left side of us. We reached a zigzag
course uphill and split up in to groups unknowingly. I had started
developing a headache which was destroying my concentration a bit,
but carried on. I went up
pushing and biking a bit and was joined by Hans and Heidi. Heidi and me tried to photograph a marmot, but it was hiding behind a stone. Have to see if it can be seen on the pictures. We reached the top and had a super view of the surrounding mountains, all bare due to us being above the tree line.
pushing and biking a bit and was joined by Hans and Heidi. Heidi and me tried to photograph a marmot, but it was hiding behind a stone. Have to see if it can be seen on the pictures. We reached the top and had a super view of the surrounding mountains, all bare due to us being above the tree line.
After that a downhill run, passing a
closed Alpe, to the dismay of Hans. Karin lost her bottle at one
point, but retrieved it. Once we reached the bottom we where back in
the valley from before, three of four mountains managed. I wasn't in
a good condition at that point, having a headache from who knows what
and not being able to concentrate on the stony road. To add to the
problems I got a weird puncture in the valley. Some stone had ripped
a gash in to the side of the tire. We managed to repair it with a
repair kit, but only provisionally. The next stretch uphill I pushed.
Nearly all of the 400 metres uphill. Heidi, Inge and Paulina noticed
my deteriorating state and drugged me up with anti headache medicine,
energy bars and rucksack help. I reached the top eventually and we
set of on the last downhill stretch after getting dressed up in all
our long clothes. A last bike along the lake, Heidi staying by my
side all the time as she had on the way uphill and then back to the
hotel for something to eat. After dinner I wanted to transfer the GPS
information from Dad and my GPSies, but fell asleep whilst the
computer was starting up. Was woken up at quarter past eleven and
just managed to get ready for bed before dropping over in to bed
again. This time I really did fall asleep before my head hit the
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Forgensee Sailing
I passed my sailing license the week
prior to this one. There was a mix up with my nationality, so it got
sent back before I received my “correct” one today. So, using the
free time we had today, Dad, Daniel and me went sailing on the
Forgensee, where I had trained for the license at the local sailing
Arrived and set out on one of the
rental boats, the Mandarin, in nearly no wind. We where moving, but
ridiculously slow, somewhere around 1 km/h if the GPS can be believed
at those speeds. After a while and further out in the lake we got
rather decent wind, managing speeds of up to 10.2 km/h. Also did
rather a lot of manoeuvres and freshened up Dads sailing skills.
After we had sailed for about fours
hours we returned and just in time, as when we reached land the wind
died down.
Super day in front of the Alps on one
of the largest laces in the are. Dads pictures are here.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Gundhütte and Kappler Alm
Last Thursday biking before the Season
Tour with the bike group. This year to Livigno in Italy.
We set of with a surprising amount of
sunshine and warmth, considering that for the past week we had cold
weather, rain and even some snow on the top of the mountains.
Was racing up ahead with Hopsing
through Wank, then Kappel (where I still get lost) and towards
Röfleuten where we turned up towards the Gundhütte. That was where
I lost my touch to Hopsing, so Paulina took over. No chance for me to
keep up with those two uphill. Fell back to the rest of the group and
was rather surprised that we where only seven people, when last time
I biked with the group we where 13.
On the way up we had some brilliant
views of the sun setting, highlighting the Alps which had some wispy
clouds hovering around them. Reached the Kappler Alm once again and
tried to get up the last steep bit, again (tried two times actually,
both failed). Heti managed to get up somehow and Paulina got up this
week. Hopsing had disappeared of towards the top of the mountain and
after a while we set of down towards the Hoigart, where we had a
drink and talked about stuff.
Pictures at Picasa.
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