Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday Breitenberg

Set of today at 18.30 from the gym with plans for cycling up the Breitenberg. It was the longest Day of the year an all in all 17 people in group one peddled towards the Breitenberg. 5 minutes after start we were joined by two who had missed us at the gym. It was of through Kappel (were Jon and I stll got lost) and then uphill through the Achtal. At the bottom of the way up the mountain we had a short break and then shortly after starting s minor crash from one of our guests.
All the way up the Breitenberg with a few rests (Hopsing nearly did it 3x apparently). We lost Matthias on the way as it was his first time cycling this year, but weren’t worried as he had warned us this could happen. At the top long things on and then downhill. First flat tyre from Sebastian just when it started spitting which took about 10 min. to fix. After that I had a flat tyre which took another 10 min. The rest had gone on already so I peddled down with Jon and Hopsing who had helped me fix my tyre.
Along a rocky way which Jon and I bounced through in semi darkness we meet the others at the end. Had lost our two guest but were sure they had continued strait on and set of towards Nesselwang in slight drizzle.
Arrived at the Bistro for a drink and there was a lot of food.
Track at GPSies and pictures at Picasa and from Jon. Report here.

No Track detail as my speedometer broke at some point. According to it I had cycled up the whole mountain in 15min.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday "Heuschuppen" + Sorgalm

Set of as usual towards the gym, picking Heidi up on the way. Nice day, a few clouds and a good weather forecast. On the way Karin C. overtook us with no rucksack. We started wondering if she was actually cycling with Group 1 today as she always has a rucksack on her back. Instantaneously after thinking this she turned round and peddled back home to pick it up.
At the gym Group 1 set of towards Pfronten this time, testing a new way past a Heuschuppen which Inge led us to. Last time Heidi and Moni had tried to find it, but were unable to. After that it was a lot of uphill, as we cycled up the back side of the Alpspitze and nearly reached the Herzler Hütte. Along the Alpspitze to Stubenthal and then for a drink at the Sorgalm with Hans, who had just recently had his 25th wedding anniversary. Later, after a few Schnapps, it was back to Nesselwang via Wertach at top speed all in one line.
A nice trip with a lot of Höhenmeter (for me) and some really good views.
Track at GPSies and pictures from Jon and me at Picasa. Group 2 info here. Bericht here.

Time in saddle: 2 hours 10 min.
Distance: 34.6 km
Average: 15.8 km/h

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Group 1 Attendants: 1

Arrived at the gym today and was the ONLY Group 1 guy. Never happened to me in my four years there. So I decided to cycle with Group 2 today and it wasn’t bad.
Set of towards Bachtel and on the way Christa lost her light which was found by Hans on the ground. After Bachtel towards Schwarzenberg with nice lighting scenes of an upcoming storm from the west. Before Schwarzenberg I took a tunnel which was full of cow muck and the Group 2 just passed by it over a road. Then from Schwarzenberg towards the Schwarzenberger Weiher, finding some fox cubs on the way. Me being a nature photographer stayed for quiet some time and had to catch up with the rest. Above the lake the boys then went down a trail and the girls took some other route, but we all met up in the end. After that up to Mittelberg along a stream which we first had to look for and then along the Panoramaweg. Could already see the storm coming in from the west but we continued along the top and I somehow directed them wrong. Ended up in taking us further towards the storm. On the way back we had to miss out the Mühlbachweg as the sky was growing darker and we could see the rain front bearing down on us. A stop in Feistenoy to get some weather proofs on the rucksacks and then we somehow lost Hans on the way back. Stopped under a bridge wondering were he was and got some raincoats and trousers on. As usual for Group 2 the Sekt came out and whilst having a drink the world vanished in rain. After it had calmed down back through Gschwend home to Nesselwang. Arrived at the Bistro dry and sat all alone at the Group 1 table. Vera ordered a Humpen as she had had her birthday yesterday and it turned out just as I was leaving that Neill had a flat tyre. Still fun.
Track at GPSies and pictures at Picasa. Neills report here.

Time in saddle: 2 hours
Distance: 29.8 km
Average: 13.9 km/h