Looked outside today at about half past five and the sky had a nice blue, so it should be nice weather to cycle in. At 6o'clock it was looking a bit different with grey clouds coming from the west. But as it didn't look to bad and I had some new waterproof gear I set of on my own to Heidi's (Dad is in Italy working). Picked up Heidi and Gabi on the way to the gym and Karin C. meet us on the way. Arrived at the gym and waited for the rest to appear in the “gloomy” weather.
At exactly 18.45pm (plus/minus a few seconds) group one headed of to the Stubentalalm whilst group two went towards Pfronten. The route was well chosen, because if it started raining we could be home fast. So, of to Reichenbach through Bayerstetten and then up to the Haslacher Alm. Nice and easy up the steep parts to not be completely “ausgelaugt” halfway up and we passed a bench with my favourite saying on it (“Lange Leben will jeder, Alt werden will keiner”). Had a short stop at “the tree” and then up the steep gravel road to the Stubentalalm. A lot of people noticed my new bike (which I have had for a month now, but I haven't cycled that much with the group). Karin and I where just talking about how I might not fall on her that much any more when she fell on me. So had to get of and push a bit as it was steep. Arrived at the Stubentalalm and the whizzed down a tarmac road. Also with my new bike I am a lot more confident going downhill as I have disc brakes now.
After that along a trail to a bridge which had a hole at the other end (not that big, but not cycalble). Jon had to get of as the hole was just waiting for him to go in, so the rest got of too. Along forester roads to the Fichtelhütte, which included some long uphill tracks, but not to steep. Arrived at the Fichtelhütte and it started dripping a bit from the grey clouds. After the Fichtelhütte there is a downhill trail which I didn't cycle but some where mad enough to do it.
Arrived at the top before the downhill part and the wind was picking up, so long clothes on. On the way down Jon encouraged us to go over a “cow stopper” (don't know how they are really called) and I and the rest did it because we trust him.
Then a whiz down to the crossing at Nadelloch. Jon guessed I had gone down the piste as I was there so fast but it was thanks to the new disc brakes that I was confident enough to go faster down the normal trail.
After that it was of to the Bistro for a drink and a chat before home to bed.
Time in saddle: 2 hours 15 min.
Distance: 24.8 km
Average speed: 10.7 km/h